-En 1987,el grupo de Roger Taylor,The Cross,comenzó a grabar su primer álbum de estudio llamado Shove It!.La canción que da nombre al álbum y que abre el mismo era como no Shove It!.
Es un tema que no sabría etiquetarlo en Rock Progresivo o Glam Rock.La primera vez que escuché el tema(Hace dos años cuando contaba con 12 años) no me fascino tanto como otros temas anteriores de Roger Taylor o composiciones del mismo,ya que Shove It! así como las 8 canciones(9 en la versión original de CD) del álbum Shove It!.El álbum tiene mejores temas como Contact,Cawboys and Indians,Stand Up Of Love o por supuesto la canción contada por Freddie Heaven For Everyone.

En cuanto a la guitarra.Tiene unos excelentes trazados de guitarra eléctrica.
El tema termina repentinamente tras repetirse un verso.Muchos tachan este tema como monótono e inapropiado de Roger.A mí es un tema por el que pongo la mano en el fuego y simplemente digo que me gusta.

La portada del single no podía pasar por la mente de ningún fan de QUEEN ni de The Cross.Mostraba una mano de un dibujo animado de Disney haciendo una peineta rodeado por un arco azul como en los Looney Tunes.LLamaba mucho la atención.
El vídeo promocional muestra una especie de bar en el que el grupo representa el tema rodeados de fans voluntarios.
Bueno,la conclusión-moraleja del tema es que no era el idóneo para iniciar la carrera de The Cross,pero no es un espanto de tema y a mi me parece bueno.
What do you do?
I said what do you do?
You ain't wearin' a tie,you ain't got a jacket
You can't come in 'cos you're in the wrong bracket
You can shove it
VIPs and royalty get treated like they're special see
But the trick is there for all to see
They're people just like you and me
You can shove it
Girls - we love it
Cars - we love it
More girls - we love it
Late night bars - we love it
Pool - we love it
School - fantasy
What do you do?
You can shove it
You gotta talk,act and dress right
If you ain't got money,they treat ya funny
When they say the class system's dead
If you think that's true better get a new head
You can shove it
You can shove it
You can shove it
Girls - we love it
Cars - we love it
More girls - we love it
Late night bars - we love it
Pool - we love it
School - shove it
What do you do?
Shove it
You can shove it
So why do people scrape and fuss
When everyman's the same as us
It's a joke on all humanity
It's privilege
And we don't need it
War - shove it
Hate - shove it
Politicians - don't cut it
Blind dates - shove it
Girls school - we love it
Crazy rules - shove it
What do you do?
You can shove it
You can shove it
Shove it
Shove it
I said what do you do?
You ain't wearin' a tie,you ain't got a jacket
You can't come in 'cos you're in the wrong bracket
You can shove it
VIPs and royalty get treated like they're special see
But the trick is there for all to see
They're people just like you and me
You can shove it
Girls - we love it
Cars - we love it
More girls - we love it
Late night bars - we love it
Pool - we love it
School - fantasy
What do you do?
You can shove it
You gotta talk,act and dress right
If you ain't got money,they treat ya funny
When they say the class system's dead
If you think that's true better get a new head
You can shove it
You can shove it
You can shove it
Girls - we love it
Cars - we love it
More girls - we love it
Late night bars - we love it
Pool - we love it
School - shove it
What do you do?
Shove it
You can shove it
So why do people scrape and fuss
When everyman's the same as us
It's a joke on all humanity
It's privilege
And we don't need it
War - shove it
Hate - shove it
Politicians - don't cut it
Blind dates - shove it
Girls school - we love it
Crazy rules - shove it
What do you do?
You can shove it
You can shove it
Shove it
Shove it
La peor canción de The Cross con diferencia